Participant-level data for the Christmas statistical cognition experiment
duration: Qualtrics-reported time taken in the experiment (seconds)
id: participant id
consent: Response to informed consent
times: "Have you participated previously"?
shuffle: "Do you understand use of shuffle reports?"
shuffle_other" (text) response for "Other" responses to shuffle
response: primary response: which team is faster?
confidence: participant's confidence in their response
salient_factors: (text) "What facts or observations were most salient in coming to the conclusion that you did?"
expt_strategy: (text) "Please describe your experimental strategy, if any, in your own words."
shuffle_desc: (text) "Did you make use of the "random shuffle reports"? If so, how?"
is_science: "Is your work in a field that would typically be considered scientific?"
is_science_other: (text) response for "Other" responses to is_science
education: highest level of formal education in scientific field
formal_training: years of formal statistical training
how_use: "How do statistics play a role in your work?" Concatenated string of responses
field: "In what applied field(s) do you use statistics?" Concatenated string of responses
preferred: "What sort of inferential procedures would you typically prefer?"
preferred_other: (text) response for "Other" responses to preferred
sig_testing: "What is your opinion about statistical significance testing?" Concatenated string of responses
mobile: Qualtrics flag for mobile browsers. Should be blank for all participants
evidence_power: Randomly-assigned transformation power. 3 or 7
effect_size: "true" effect size in standard deviation units, hidden from the participant
finished_practice_timestamp: javascript timestamp reported by browser when participant ended the instructions. Indexed to initial_timestamp
downloaded_expt: Did the participant download their experimental samples?
downloaded_null: Did the participant download their null samples?
initial_timestamp: initial timestamp (should be 0, start of experiment)
true_winner: Which "team" was the true winner? Corresponds to sign of effect_size
true_null: Was the effect size 0?
response_null: Was the participant's response "null"? (same or no detection)
response_alt: Negation of response_null
n_expt: Number of experimental samples requested
n_null: Number of random shuffle reports requested
how_use.analysis: (logical) Did the participant select the corresponding response to how_use
how_use.develop: (logical) Did the participant select the corresponding response to how_use
how_use.philosophy: (logical) Did the participant select the corresponding response to how_use
how_use.method_comment: (logical) Did the participant select the corresponding response to how_use
how_use.none: (logical) Did the participant select the corresponding response to how_use
how_use.other: (logical) Did the participant select the corresponding response to how_use
? (logical) Did the participant select the corresponding response to field
field.phys: (logical) Did the participant select the corresponding response to field
field.soc_beh: (logical) Did the participant select the corresponding response to field
field.comp_tech: (logical) Did the participant select the corresponding response to field
? (logical) Did the participant select the corresponding response to field
field.other: (text) If applicable, text response to "Other" responses for field
sig_testing.necessary: (logical) Did the participant select the corresponding response to sig_testing
sig_testing.prefer_other: (logical) Did the participant select the corresponding response to sig_testing
sig_testing.misunderstood: (logical) Did the participant select the corresponding response to sig_testing
sig_testing.no_opinion: (logical) Did the participant select the corresponding response to sig_testing
sig_testing.discontinued: (logical) Did the participant select the corresponding response to sig_testing
sig_testing.fatally_flawed: (logical) Did the participant select the corresponding response to sig_testing
sig_testing.do_not_understand: (logical) Did the participant select the corresponding response to sig_testing
sig_testing.other: (text) If applicable, text response to "Other" responses to sig_testing
text_comparison: (Strategy questions) Response mentioned comparison to the random shuffle reports
text_asymmetry: (Strategy questions) Response mentioned symmetry/asymmetry in the experimental samples
text_sampling_var: (Strategy questions) Response mentioned random shuffle reports as a means to assess sampling variability, distribution under the null, chance distribution, etc
text_inc_asymmetry: (Strategy questions) Response mentioned increasing asymmetry (or lack thereof) as sample size increased
text_no_shuffle: (Strategy questions) Explicitly said they did not use the shuffle reports
text_irrelevant: (Strategy questions) Text was irrelevant
text_missing: (Strategy questions) Text was missing