Event-level data for the Christmas statistical cognition experiment
id: participant id
ev: (absolute value of) strength of "evidence" in experiment. This is the transformed two-tailed p value.
sgn: sign of evidence (-1 means favoring left side)
n_idx: index of sample size selected by participant (0-19)
n: "true" sample size per group, hidden from the participant
d: "true" effect size, hidden from the participant (same as effect_size in christmas_stats_participants)
time: javascript timestamp (ms) reported by browser. This was when the point was place on the interface. Indexed to initial_timestamp
toy_name: name of toy randomly assigned to participant
initial_timestamp: (should be 0, start of experiment)
type: 'expt' for experimental samples, 'null' for samples from random shuffle reports
initiated_timestamp: javascript timestamp (ms) when the sample request was initiated by the participant. Indexed to initial_timestamp