Data, analysis code, and demonstrations for Morey & Hoekstra’s (2019) statistical cognition experiment, which was run over the Christmas season in 2018. You can find more details at
If you’re using a recent version MacOS, you’ll need to install Xquartz for the fonts.
To fully use the package, you’ll probably need to install several packages that are not on CRAN:
# install.packages('devtools') # if needed
devtools::install_github("rstudio/gt") devtools
Then you can install this package with
::install_github("richarddmorey/Morey_Hoekstra_StatCognition", build_vignettes = TRUE, dependencies = TRUE) devtools
If you have difficulties installing the package due to failure to compile the vignettes — particularly on Windows — you can try setting build_vignettes
in the command above. You can also move your R installation and temp folder to a location without spaces. This is a good idea even if turning off compilation of the vignettes solves the immediate problem. See here for details.
A short video showing the task can be found under inst/manuscript/img/santa_task_example.mp4
(click ‘View raw’ to download).
You can find an online version of the task demonstration.
Users of the package can also load a version of the experimental task from within R:
Running the included shiny app will allow you to explore individual participants’ response patterns.
You can access an already-deployed version of the shiny app at
The app will let you: